Tuesday 21 October 2014

Diamond and the Fosters Prologue/1st Chapter Video - 4 days in.

I am so proud of the 1st chapter of this video because it was a total team effort. A cliche sentence to say yes, but this just happens to be true.

Here is the cast/crew list with bios:

Written by Michael David Weis

Illustration by Matthew Avant

Narration by Becky Shrimpton

Editing and Visual Design by Yujin Song

Produced by Matthew Toffolo

You can also learn more about the entire book Diamond and the Fosters by clicking on their website here, or just go ahead and buy the novel in hard cover.


BUY NOW on Amazon - The entire poetic novel of this amazing story.

So far, 4 days in the video has garnered over 800 views. Watch now:

First off, we need to give credit to the original creator and writer Michael David Weis. A really talented individual who took a simple kids story concept and turned it into a complex journey into what makes an individual. A story that crosses generations and cultures - it's universal and for all ages! As the theme of the novel states, we're only as strong as our roots. I loved Michael's reaction when he first watched the movie:

I love the heart and effort put in to the piece. It's magical. Nobody has given a crap about this book. It's really nice to feel the love on this side.

When creating something, you never know how the audience is going to react. Sometimes you make films that you love and think is your best work, only to see it not really catching on. Other times you make a film and you think it's good/okay but not your best, only to see it catch on and be your most successful film. With Michael and his story Diamond and the Fosters, it's almost like these videos are a 2nd chance of redemption. And I feel I have an obligation to make sure many people see it.

Chapter 2 should be done in a few days. Tomorrow I like to talk about our amazing narrator Becky Shrimpton.

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